Stage 1 - Meme

KYC (Know Your Customer)

Receive Audit from (InterFi Network)

SAFU Badge

Fair Launch on Pinksale

Launch the Token on DEX’s (PancakeSwap and UniSwap)

Get Listed on CoinGecko and CoinMarketCap

Hopium DeFi Redistribution Model

Hopium DeFi Swap

Hopium DeFi Consensus

Trust Wallet and MetaMask Wallet complete with Logo and Tickr

Tier 3 and, if possible, Tier 2 CEX Listings

Hopium DeFi bug bounty campaign

Stage 2 - Meme

Create Hopium DeFi Wallet

Tier 2 (if not already done) and Tier 1 CEX Listings

Release the newly revamped website with full functionality

Stage 3 - Utility

NFT Marketplace

Hopium DeFi Social CRM Platform

Hopium DeFi Social CRM Platform

Hopium DeFi NFTs for social influencers

Hopium DeFi App

Stage 4 – Marketplace

GIG Generating Marketplace

The Meet Hopium DeFi sentiment tokens

Be listed on over 100 exchanges

Stage 5 - Decentralized Governance

Hopium DeFi DAO

Last updated